A history to inspire pride, not shame!
The history of the African diaspora or 'black history', as it is commonly referred to, is a story of bravery, courage and great sacrifice and one of which young people should never be made to feel ashamed. Yes slavery and colonisation are a part of the story, but their significance lies in the way they have shaped and strengthened the character and resistance movements of the diaspora.
The teaching of this history in schools has long been fought for in the UK and, for many, the resulting tokenism of 'black history month' has been largely disappointing. Yet more disappointing has been the lack of sensitivity that is greatly needed in the telling of a story which includes horrors on the scale of a holocaust.
It is our wish that this game introduces important aspects of imperial history to all learners, regardless of race or ethnicity, in a way that is informative, inspiring and fun.
How to Play
African Pursuit is easy to play. Stack each set of cards face down. The youngest player has the first roll of the dice. Another player chooses a question from the category rolled and reads it out. If the player answers correctly, they keep the question card but if they answer incorrectly the correct answer is provided and the card taken out of play. The next player then takes their turn. Play moves in an anti-clockwise direction.
Players have up to one minute to answer questions. The sand timer can be used to assist with timing.
To win. The player with the most cards by the end of play is the winner (and the most knowledgeable!) Players can decide to end the game at any point, but it naturally ends when all the cards that can be correctly answered have been claimed.
For a more competitive experience, the game can be played in teams. Team shirts are available to get players into the team spirit!